Ihor Surkis

Born in Kiev in 1958. With his brother Hryhoriy Surkis, president of the Football Federation of Ukraine, owns “Ukrenergoconsulting” company (suspended now, data from State Company Register). Co-owner of TV company "TET", which is a part of the group "1+1 Media". A Co-founder, co-owner and director of the football club "Dynamo". According to the publication of "Nashy Groshy" the Surkis brothers are the minority shareholders of the OJSC "Zaporizhzhyaoblenergo", also together with Igor Kolomoisky they control PJSC "Lvivoblenergo" (all energy companies). According to Forbes-Ukraine, the brothers together with Igor Kolomoiskyi are owners of the plant "Dniprospetsstal" (steal company). Various reported on assets of the businessman in insurance companies.In 1998 he ran for parliament from the party SDPU (u) associated with Viktor Medvedchuk (politician, leader of social movement “Ukrainsky Vybor” [Ukrainian choice]). Surkis brothers, together with Viktor Medvedchuk were co-founders of Concordia Medikal (is being suspended).
Energy | constitutor of LLC “Ukrainian Commercial Financial Concern “Slavutych”; controls Holding Company “Energomerezha”, PJSC “Zaporizhjaoblenergo”, PJSC “Lvivoblenergo” #
Sport | FC Dynamo, one of the final owners, club president | #
Banking | A-bank
Family & Friends
Affiliated Interests Family Members Friends
Hryhoriy Surkis – brother, honorary ex-president of Football Federation of Ukraine, UEFA vice-president, businessman (energy, metallurgy)
Surkis Marina Ihorivna – daughter, part-owner of “A-bank”
Surkis Svitlana Hryhorivna – niece, part-owner of “A-bank”
Ihor Kolomoyskyi – oligarch, business partner in energy and media sphere
Viktor Medvedchuk – ex-business partner and political ally in SDPU(u)
Further Information
Власники ЗМІ ховаються в офшорах. Медіапідсумки 4–10 квітня 2016 року: http://detector.media/infospace/article/114227/2016-04-10-vlasniki-zmi-khovayutsya-v-ofshorakh-mediapidsumki-410-kvitnya-2016-roku/
Meta Data
A significant part of information was got from public sources, namely from authoritative mass media publications, such as “Nashi Hroshi” (Our Money), and can't be proved with free-for-all data from open registers, because of secret ownership, in particular about certainty of controlling the energy and metallurgy business. Because of hidden ownership structure this inclusion of businesses in influence of Ihor Surkis may be incomplete.
In reason of liquidated precursor of LLC “Slavutych” was managed by Andriy Stanislavovych Ziuzia, we put firms managed by him now to the sphere of Surkis's influence.
Unified state register of the Ministry of justice of legal entities, individual enterpreneurs and civic formations . Retrieved on August 2016, from https://usr.minjust.gov.ua/
Official web-site of the National Council of Television and Radio Broadcasting of Ukraine. State register of the National Council of Television and Radio Broadcasting of Ukraine. Retrieved on August 2016 from http://www.nrada.gov.ua/ua/derzhavniyreestr.html
Shevchenko, T. (2006, June 16). Українська правда. Хто і як володіє "1+1". Retrieved from http://www.pravda.com.ua/rus/articles/2006/06/16/4400942/
(2016, September 14). Forbes Україна. Ігор Суркіс. Retrieved from http://forbes.net.ua/ua/persons/183-surkis-igor-mihajlovich
Official web-site of Central Election Commission. Суркіс Ігор Михайлович. Retrieved on August 2016 from http://www.cvk.gov.ua/pls/vd2002/WEBPROC3V?kodvib=1&kodkand=2174
Zakusylo, M. (2016, August 18). Detector Media. 2,5 гривні розбрату. StarLightMedia та «1+1 медіа» про зміну УПП і перехід до ринкових відносин з провайдерами. Retrieved from http://detector.media/rinok/article/117948/2016-08-18-25-grivni-rozbratu-starlightmedia-ta-11-media-pro-zminu-upp-i-perekhid-do-rinkovikh-vidnosin-z-provaiderami/
Національний банк України. Retrieved August 2016, from http://bank.gov.ua/files/Shareholders/307770/307770_20160418.pdf
(2015, August 13). Экономика - портал новостей LB.ua. Суркисы покупают у Коломойского А-банк - портал новостей LB.ua. Retrieved from http://economics.lb.ua/finances/2015/08/13/313396_surkisi_pokupayut_kolomoyskogo.html
Державні тендери. Крок до прозорості. . Президентські енергетики
(2016, September 14). Новости бизнеса, финансы, политика - новости онлайн на Forbes.ua. Суркіс Ігор Михайлович - биография, досье, компромат, рейтинг, новости - Досьє - Останні новини - Forbes Україна. Retrieved from http://forbes.net.ua/ua/persons/183-surkis-igor-mihajlovich
Центральна виборча комісія.Central election commission of Ukraine. Суркіс Ігор Михайлович. Retrieved August 2016, from http://www.cvk.gov.ua/pls/vd2002/WEBPROC3V?kodvib=1&kodkand=2174
(2011, July 11). Новини політики, економіки та культури, новини в світі - Український тиждень. Український олігархат. Retrieved from http://tyzhden.ua/Politics/25553
ФK «Динамо» Київ. Офіційний сайт. Менеджмент - ФK «Динамо» Киев. Официальный сайт. Retrieved August 2016, from FC Dynamo Kyiv - Dynamo Kyiv. Official club website. Менеджмент - ФK «Динамо» Киев. Официальный сайт. Retrieved August 2016, from http://www.fcdynamo.kiev.ua/ru/club/management/
Капитал. НАБ объявило в розыск главу «Энергосети», - Лещенко. Капитал. Retrieved August 2016, from http://www.capital.ua/ru/news/69278-nab-ob-yavilo-v-rozysk-glavu-energoseti-leschenko
Smida - Main page. Smida - Main page. Retrieved August 2016, from http://www.smida.gov.ua/
Бізнес-пошукова система від компанії youcontrol.com.ua - Youcontrol. Retrieved August 2016, from http://youcontrol.com.ua