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By 2013 the journal "Focus" was part of the media group UMH Group and belonged at that time Boris Lozhkin. In 2013, "Focus Media" was purchased Vertex United, owned by Boris Kaufman

Key facts

Audience Share


Ownership Type


Geographic Coverage


Content Type

paid content

Data Publicly Available

ownership data is easily available from other sources, e. g. public registries etc.

2 ♥

Media Companies / Groups

Focus Media LLC


Voting Rights


Individual Owner

Media Companies / Groups

General Information

Founding Year



Borys Lozhkin

Affiliated Interests Founder

The founder of UMH holding, ax-chairman of the Presidential administration (from 2014 to August 29, 2016). He was born in Kharkiv in 1971. In 1985-1989, he worked as a reporter in Leninska Zmina and Vecherniy Kharkiv newspapers. In 1989-1990, he founded a distribution network for newspapers and magazines. In 1994, he founded UMH publishing house, which issued the first Ukrainian tabloid Telenedelia. In 1998, he created a UMH group holding, which consolidated Telenedelia, Argumenty i Fakty in Ukraine, and then magazines Football and Forbes in Ukraine. By 2011, it comprised of 25 print media, 8 radio stations, a series of online projects, including His business partner in UMH was Hennadiy Boholiubov, the business partner of Ihor Kolomoyskyi in Privat group. In 2012, Lozhkin, jointly with the media holdings of Petro Porshenko and Rinat Akhmetov, incorporated United Online Ventures, which consolidated, and As regards to his political career, he held offices of the advisor to the Minister of Economics Viktor Suslov (1997-1998), deputy of Kharkiv municipal council (1998-2002), first as advisor, and then the head of President Administration in 2014. After dismissal he became the chairman of the National Investment Council. From 2004 to 2006, he was the president of the Ukrainian Association of Press Publishers, and in 2012-2013 the member of presidium of the Media Employers’ Federation (an affiliate of Firtash-Liovochkin group).


Illya Noyabryov

Affiliated Interests Ceo

Ilya Noyabryov Ukrainian TV presenter, entertainer and author of TV projects: "I - a monument to himself ..." "Island of failure", "Golden Goose", "pretentious," "The Sting," "I know all about you", "Idols and kumyrchyky. " Before he starred in the film.
Born November 27, 1947 in Kyiv. Real name - Shmukler.
He graduated from the Kiev variety-circus school. In 1982-1984 - an actor of the Kiev theater stage, in 1984-1986 - Odessa theater actor "Grotesque", in 1986-1991 - Odessa theater actor "caricature". He held the post of general producer Ukrainian TV channel "TET".
Organiser and chairman of the club "Golden Goose", headed edition comic magazine "Golden Goose".
In 2002-2006 - Head of entertainment Ukrainian TV channel "Inter".


Sergiy Lytvynenko

Affiliated Interests Editor-In-Chief

Before becoming chief editor was deputy editor Jana Moyseyenkovoyi. By 2013, he was chief editor of the magazine "Ukrainian week".

Other Important People

The media reported that the journal Focus with Kaufman has his business partner Granovsky, but to confirm this information in the records failed.

Affiliated Interests other important people

Ukrainian businessman, philanthropist and shareholder Vertex United Alexander Granovskiy born in Uman July 31, 1972 Educated at the Odessa State University. Mechnikov, where he met his future business partner Boris Kaufman. Kaufman Granovsky and studied at the Faculty. Alexander Granovsky later continued his education at the State Academy of Management under the President of Ukraine.

His career began in 1993 from the post of commercial director, director of construction SPTK "Evas" (Odessa). In 1998 decided to open their own business - co-founded the trading house "Kashtan". Already in 2001, the professional community highly appreciated the achievements of Alexander - he was awarded the prize "Businessman of the Year" in Odessa (National Recognition). In the same year Granovsky became Vice President of the Football Federation of Ukraine. This post he held until 2012

In the 2000s. Granovsky and Kaufman jointly involved in the development of the corporation "Overline." After the sale of alcoholic assets in 2008, the partners created a company Vertex United. The company entered the assets of the hotel directly (4-5 star hotels), "President Hotel", the hotel "Bristol" hotel "London" and other hotel facilities use; assets investment and development direction; journal "Focus" journal "Focus. Beautiful Country ",

From 2002 to 2006 Alexander Granovsky was member of Ukrainian Parliament and member of the Budget Committee of Ukrainian Parliament.


Ukraine , Kyiv, 01042, 17/5 Drugby narodyv blvr.тел.

Financial Information

Revenue (in Mill. $)


Operating Profit (in Mill. $)


Advertising (in % of total funding)


Market Share


Further Information


Яна Мойсеенкова уходит с поста главреда журнала «Фокус»
Сергій Литвиненко прокоментував кадрові зміни у «Фокусі»

Meta Data

The company was re-registered in connection with its sale (change in ownership) in 2013 and since then the new founder is Boris Kaufmann, according to the unified state register. But we have indicated Borys Lozhkin as the founder as the journal was first founded by him in 2006. Media reports about Kaufman’s business partner Granovsky in connection with the journal Focus but we have found no evidence of that in public records.


State register Ministry of justice of Ukraine of print media and information agencies as subjects of information activity. Retrieved in August 2016, from

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    Institute of Mass Information
    Global Media Registry
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