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Politics and Media

Ukraine is a parliamentary-presidential republic. The Parliament the legislative body is called Verkhovna Rada, which consists of 450 Deputies who are elected by secret ballot for а five-year term. The electoral system in Ukraine is mixed: one half, 225 deputies, are elected from party lists and the other half is elected in majority districts. Currently, the 8th Convocation of the Verkhovna Rada is in assembly with five political parties currently represented: Popular Front, Opposition Bloc, Bloc of Petro Poroshenko, the Radical Party and the Motherland.

The president is elected for a 5-year term. The last presidential elections took place on 25 May 2014 when Petro Poroshenko won with 54.7%. 

Big businesses in Ukraine are directly or indirectly connected with politics, since it is impossible to sustain a profitable business without lobbying one’s interests at the parliament or other governmental bodies. Thus, the richest people in Ukraine are either politicians themselves or entertain close relations to politics in general. Petro Poroshenko, the current President of the country, is a successful businessman himself and one of the ten richest people in Ukraine. Forbes estimates his assets at 858 million dollars.

In the two decades after the independence of Ukraine in 1991, the country has undergone two major revolutions. The Orange revolution of 2004 and the Revolution of Dignity in 2014, also known as Euromaidan. 




Ukrainian Presidential Elections 2014. Wikipedia. Retrieved in October 2016 from:,_2014

Forbes presents the new rating of the richest in Ukraine. March 2016. (Rus). Retrieved in October 2016 from:

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